Wednesday 11 March 2015


DAY ELEVEN: last book I read

The last book I read was Snowfall by K.M Peyton. I loved this book for so many reasons. In fact, I might just make a list.

Reasons I loved Snowfall by K.M Peyton:

  1. It was set in Victorian England. I love seeing what life was like in the past, and having a book set in the Victorian time was awesome to read.
  2. It was written in an amazingly old fashioned yet modern way. Did that make sense? Probably not... what I mean is that, even though the book was set back in Victorian times and was written very much in that manner, it was understandable and used a lot of more common vocabulary.
  3. Time passed quickly. In one part of the book, it talked about what happened over 10 days in less than a paragraph. A lot of books focus on a relatively short time period, whereas this book focus on events spread out over a year or two. 
  4. One of the main focuses in the book was mountain climbing and the Swiss Alps. It was amazing hearing the story of the characters climbing the mountains, and exploring. The main character (Charlotte), described how free it felt to be up in the mountain air and how she could just forget all her troubles while climbing. It was amazing to read.
  5. It had a great ending. I won't say anything about what actually happened (no spoilers!), but what I will say, is that it ended in a very satisfactory way. And I loved it very much. Hehe!

So, as you could probably tell, I loved this book a lot. I would totally recommend this to anyone looking for a good book to read! Feel free to comment any good book suggestions, and I will check them out ;)

Hope you are having a good day, wherever you are!
-FoxFace :D

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