Monday 23 March 2015


DAY FIFTEEN: list 10 things that make you awesome.

Yay! A list! If you know me then you would know how much I love writing lists. I've been looking forward to this one! So without further ado, here are 10 things that make me awesome. 

(I'm not trying to be all gloaty and "oh I'm so cool blah blah blah" so please don't hate me!)

  1. I live in New Zealand. New Zealand is an amazing place, full of wonderful people, places and wildlife. I think living here has contributed to my awesome factor, as it is a pretty darn awesome place to be.
  2. I can sing! That sounded a bit self centred, I didn't mean it to be! When I say that I can sing, I don't mean like super good. I mean as in I'm in a choir, I do singing lessons and I've had a few solos for things over the years (only really last year...). Singing is a huge passion of mine, and I love it more than anything.
  3. I do Badminton. Badminton is such a fun sport. I only started last week, and already I've improved a lot. I am still utterly terrible, but I'm getting there. My friends managed to rope me into it, as some of them already had gone there last year. 
  4. I fully accept that I am a very socially awkward person. If you are someone who knows me, then you will know very well that if you sit with me, I will freak out and end up sitting in an awkward silence. (if you're someone I do this to, I am very sorry!) But I also accept this fact, which I think is a good thing. I know damn well that I am incredibly awkward, so don't try to remind me :P
  5. My favourite animal is a turtle. You may have thought that, since my username is girlofthefox and my nickname is FoxFace (not the Hunger Games character), that foxes are my favourite animal. You have thought wrong. Turtles are, in fact, what I believe to be the coolest animal in the world. This makes me awesome because turtles are awesome. Enough said. 
  6. ughhhhhhh I can't think of anything else...
  7. Yeah my mind has gone blank (space baby, and I'll write ya name)
  8. Can you think of anything?
  9. I can't...
  10. Well, that was short lived.
Yeah... my mind has decided to take a holiday somewhere nice in the Bahamas, so I've been abandoned here on my own :(

I'll just leave it at that for now xx
-FoxFace <3


DAY FOURTEEN: What's on your iPod?

I don't have an iPod.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

DAY THIRTEEN (one of my lucky numbers!)

DAY THIRTEEN: do you have regrets?

Side note: yes, I know, I know. I'm posting like a week late. I've been busy!


To put it simply, no, I don't have regrets. Sure, there are moments when I look back and think: "wow, that was stupid! I wish I hadn't done that..." etc. But in the big picture, I think it's silly to ensnare yourself in something as silly as regret.

(Here comes the big philosophical thing...)

I believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Even the most terrible things will one day have a positive side. For example, when my dad had to move away so that he could get a job. At first, I was devastated. I still am sometimes! But throughout these past few years my dad and I have really become closer. Now every time we spend time together, it's more special than before.

If everything happens for a reason, then there is no point in wishing you could change the past. And I know that sometimes regret can be a horrible feeling, and it's not just regret either. Wanting to just build a time machine and go back in time is something that I think everyone has longed for at one point or another. But like I said, if it all happens for a reason, even the most horrendous things in life will one day lift you up.

*throws confetti and glitter at you*
-FoxFace :3

Wednesday 11 March 2015

DAY TWELVE (I really need to think of more original titles...)

DAY TWELVE: something I miss

I miss old Disney Channel. Enough said.


DAY ELEVEN: last book I read

The last book I read was Snowfall by K.M Peyton. I loved this book for so many reasons. In fact, I might just make a list.

Reasons I loved Snowfall by K.M Peyton:

  1. It was set in Victorian England. I love seeing what life was like in the past, and having a book set in the Victorian time was awesome to read.
  2. It was written in an amazingly old fashioned yet modern way. Did that make sense? Probably not... what I mean is that, even though the book was set back in Victorian times and was written very much in that manner, it was understandable and used a lot of more common vocabulary.
  3. Time passed quickly. In one part of the book, it talked about what happened over 10 days in less than a paragraph. A lot of books focus on a relatively short time period, whereas this book focus on events spread out over a year or two. 
  4. One of the main focuses in the book was mountain climbing and the Swiss Alps. It was amazing hearing the story of the characters climbing the mountains, and exploring. The main character (Charlotte), described how free it felt to be up in the mountain air and how she could just forget all her troubles while climbing. It was amazing to read.
  5. It had a great ending. I won't say anything about what actually happened (no spoilers!), but what I will say, is that it ended in a very satisfactory way. And I loved it very much. Hehe!

So, as you could probably tell, I loved this book a lot. I would totally recommend this to anyone looking for a good book to read! Feel free to comment any good book suggestions, and I will check them out ;)

Hope you are having a good day, wherever you are!
-FoxFace :D

Monday 9 March 2015


DAY TEN: my daily routine

Okay, this one isn't that interesting. As I go to school, it's pretty much just me getting ready for that. So here we go!

6:00 - Alarm goes off, I hide under my pillow hoping that it will go away. It doesn't.
6:03 - I usually remember something that I'm looking forward to that day, which perks me up.
6:04 - I realise that I need to get into the shower, so I grab my stuff and drag myself up the stairs.
6:26 - Freak out realising that I need to be out of the bathroom by half past, while trying to dry my hair (it's hard, okay?)
6:30 - Spend the next 20 minutes telling myself that I'll be done by 6:45/attempting to do my hair/getting distracted.
6:50 - Remember that I still need to unload the dishwasher...
7:15 - Get dressed/pack my bag/cook toast all at once (usually ending up with cold toast, or none at all)
7:30 - Realise there is a crap ton of stuff that I haven't done yet...
7:42 - Go and wait out at my gate for the school bus.

Aaaaaand there you have it! My (rather boring) daily routine. Most days I end up being late, which is just fantastic. 

I'm not feeling that well at the moment, so I'm consoling myself by texting and eating chocolate. I think it's because I ate a whole heap of watermelon, after a whole heap of chocolate... I'm sure my acne will appreciate that :P

Lots of virtual hugs,
-FoxFace :)

Sunday 8 March 2015

DAY NINE (finally)

DAY NINE: what's on your life list/bucket list.

I've been looking forward to this one :) This is something I like to think about in life, as there are many many things I want to do. Also I like making lists. Hehe x So here it is! A (short) list of things I want to do in life.

  • Go to New York City! I want to go there sooooo incredibly bad. Maybe it's from my obsessive obsession of Glee, or maybe it's just my love of cities. Either way, I really really want to go there.
  • Have a bake sale. Okay, this one sounds a little weird, and a bit small to be on a bucket list, but back in 2011 my class had a bake sale to raise some money. It was really fun baking cookies (gingerbread men may I add) and then seeing people gobble them up before my eyes. I really want to do it again.
  • Go skydiving. I know this one is on a lot of people's list, and I see why. The idea is terrifying for me, yet I still feel the urge to jump out of a plane and fall through the sky to my possible death. Yay!
  • Be in one of the big school productions. Every year my school (and the boys school from my town) put on a big theater production. This year they are doing West Side Story, which I am going to see with one of my coolest friends. I love drama and acting and singing and dancing. Once I'm a year 11, I can audition for a part (unless there are child roles, in which case I could audition for one of those). 
  • Go on a caravan trip around NZ. New Zealand is an amazingly beautiful place, and I'm so lucky to be living here. A lot of tourists come here and travel around in their caravans/buses. Even though I live here, I still want to travel across the country, sightseeing and all that jazz.
  • Be happy in life (here comes that cheesy inspiring ending...) What's the point in life if you don't live it to it's fullest and be happy along the way. I can wholeheartedly say that I am perfectly happy with my life right now, and I would prefer it to stay that way. Sometimes you can't help feeling down and upset, and that sucks, but the only way to  have life not suck is to be happy! (did that make sense???) Yay!
Okay, I feel like there is heaps more that I could add to that list, but currently my brain has decided to have a night out and leave me here all alone. 

Hopefully I will actually stick to my posting schedule now that I'm all caught up ;)

Here, have some love!
-FoxFace <3


DAY EIGHT: biggest pet peeve

When someone is eating watermelon and they don't eat all the way down to the green. Hello? There is still yummy, edible red stuff on there! Why aren't you eating that?!?


DAY SEVEN: my dream job!

Okay, this one changes a lot. And when I say a lot, I really do mean a lot. At the moment, by big dream job is a film director. I know, I know, it's a bit of a long shot. But filmmaking is something that I am incredibly passionate about. I used to go around with my iPad using the movie trailer feature on iMovie to make little short films. Every time a friend came over I would make another one and we would both have so much fun.

I might even be getting my own video camera soon, which could open up a whole new world of possibilities. In my head I have plans for about 10 different music videos. I love doing that, just listening to a song and having this idea spark in my head. One example would be Radioactive - Imagine Dragons. The first time I heard that song, I just thought of a perfect zombie apocalypse themed video. Ever since then I have been dying to make that video, but I've never been able too.

Aaaaaaaand I'm all backed up with posts again, so I will cut this one a bit short. Hope you are having a fabulous day!

-FoxFace ^_^

Thursday 5 March 2015


Woah two posts in one day?!? What is happening?!?!?!?!


DAY SIX: last random act of kindness <3

I like to think of myself as a kind person. Just today, I held various doors open for various people at school. And I helped one of my friends with her maths homework! I try to be as kind as I can possibly be, whenever I can. Sometimes I think I'm almost too nice... 

But then I realised that deep down, I am truly just a self centred bitch ;D

Tbh, I'm too lazy to write a full post right now, so I might just leave it at that.

I hope you are all having a magnificent week! If you are in the same timezone as me, HAPPY FRIDAY!

Lots of (very kind) love,
-FoxFace <3 <3 <3


DAY FIVE: Favourite movies I can never get sick of watching.

(sorry I'm a day late posting! Had a lot of homework last night...)

I love movies. Whenever I go and stay with my dad, we always have a movie night. Him and I are great movie fans, and we share a lot of taste in movies (hmm... maybe we're related???). So without further ado, here is a list of some of my favourite movies that I will never get sick of watching.

  1. Grease (1978) Grease has been my favourite movie ever since I was about 5 or 6. I just loved the music and the dancing and the cool cars. I loved the way they dressed and the general fashion of the 60's. Watching the film with me can be annoying, as I know most of it off by heart and will recite it along with the movie.
  2. Labyrinth (1986) A lot of people think this movie is weird, but I have always loved it. This is another film that I have been watching ever since I was little,  and it's always been a favourite. My favourite scene is still the part where she eats the peach and goes off into her dream land, where there is the masquerade style ball. I was always very jealous of the magnificent dress she wore. Underground (the opening song) is one of my all time favourite songs, it's one I can never skip when shuffling through my music.
  3. Hairspray (2007) Another musical! (does Labyrinth count as a musical?) I absolutely LOVE this movie! Like Grease, it's set in the 60's, with all the dresses and hair and everything. One of the things I like about this movie is that, for a relatively light-hearted movie, it covers a lot of quite serious topics, like racism. I long to one day be able to play the role of Penny Pingleton...
  4. Back To The Future (1985) Seriously, who doesn't love this movie? It has everything a movie needs; Cool music, cool cars, cool 60's scenes (okay, that ones a bit more personal :P) This is my dad's all time favourite movie, so how can I not love it?
  5. Avatar (2009) I fell in love with this movie as soon as I saw it the first time. I myself love adventuring and exploring forests and nature in general, so to me, Pandora was like my dream world. I also fell in love with the Na'vi and the way they moved, talked, acted and lived. 
  6. The Simpsons Movie (2007) My dad and I are huge Simpsons fans. We even have quite a few of the seasons on DVD, and we watch them all the time. This is another movie that I pretty much know off by heart.
  7. Big Hero 6 (2014) I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH IT'S JUST NOT FUNNY. Seriously though, if you don't like this movie, something is seriously wrong with you. There is just so much to love about this movie. It brings out almost every emotion possible yet still remains light-hearted and enjoyable. (side note: I cried three times, not gonna lie)
Okay, if I take this list any further, it will never stop. As you can see, I like a lot of different movies *cough cough* musicals *cough cough* and I am a bit of a film nerd (#sorrynotsorry)

This post took me about an hour to write, my fingers are sore from typing... (about to write todays post now, send help)

*sends love through tv screen*
-FoxFace xxxx

Tuesday 3 March 2015


DAY FOUR: Best childhood memory.

I can't really pick my best childhood memory, there are so many to pick from. I'm really lucky to have had an amazing childhood, filled with (mostly) happy memories that I can look back and smile upon. So instead of deciding on just one memory, I shall compile a list of my favourites.

(in not particular order...) Here are some of my best childhood memories:

  • When I went to Australia with my dad and his girlfriend and kids (who I don't like that much *cough cough*) We went to Movie World, Sea World, Dreamworld and Wet 'N Wild Water World, as well as stayed in the coolest hotel ever. It had it's own holiday programme and water park!
  • Getting a High Distinction award for my Science Fair project. As well as the certificate, I was awarded $100 as a prize! I was so proud of that project...
  • Every time I went to the beach. In the holidays, I usually go to my Nana and Grandad's house. They live in a wonderful town called KatiKati. All throughout my life I have been going to KatiKati and visiting the beach. I feel like I have a special connection with the beach, as I love the beach and draw great inspiration from it.
  • Whenever I get to see my dad. Just before I turned two, my parents split up. Ever since then I have been living with my mum. I always used to go and spend the school holidays with my dad, and it was so much fun. In 2011 he moved down to Palmerston North (the closest big town to where I live). Unfortunately, in 2013 he lost his job and had to move to Hamilton, which is four hours away from where I live. Now, every time I see him it's even more special than before, and I always love every moment of it.
  • Going camping up north. We took my friend with us and went camping up in a beautiful place called the Coromandel Peninsular. We stayed for five nights and had SO much fun!
  • And much, much more. Seriously, this list could go on forever!
There you have it! A (short) list of some of my favourite childhood memories. I hope you guys enjoyed this blast from the past, if so please leave a comment saying what your favourite childhood memories are!

Lots of reminiscent love,
-FoxFace *gives hug*


DAY THREE: Something that makes me happy.

The thing that makes me the most happy (other than peanut butter cups) is my friends. I know it sounds kinda cheesy, but in all seriousness, they are the coolest people on this planet and I couldn't live without them. 

A lot of them are friends that I've only had for a few weeks, yet I feel like I've known them my whole life. Together we are crazy, wacky, weird and totally fabulous. I have made so many new friends since starting High School, and all of them are perfectly amazing. Unfortunately, I have grown out of my friends from my last school (a story for another time maybe x) but my new friends were all really supportive during that time.

I wouldn't swap my friends for all the riches and chocolate in the world, they mean the world to me and can make me smile no matter what.


(I would add a picture, but I won't for privacy reasons)

Hope you are having a great day,
- FoxFace <3

Sunday 1 March 2015


DAY TWO: Favourite quote.

"You have to be odd to be number one" -Dr Seuss

I love this quote, mainly because it explains my life in a sentence. As you may or may not know, I am a bit strange sometimes. But I take it in my stride, an am fully proud of my weirdness. What's the point of living if you don't have fun while doing it?

Yes, I know, I know, todays post is very short. I'm quite busy at the moment, so I don't have enough time to write a long post.

Heaps of hugs,
FoxFace xoxo


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