Saturday 28 February 2015


DAY ONE: Self portrait and 5 random facts about myself.

That be me! I swear, I don't usually wear make-up...

Okay! Five totally random facts about me:

  1. I live in New Zealand. That's right, I live in NZ. For those of you who don't know where NZ is, it is basically Australia's version of Canada. Here is a picture:
  2. I go to an all girls school. A lot of people think that single sex schools are full of pricks and twats, but in reality, it's a lot better without boys there (no offence to the boys of the world). When I first started there (about six weeks ago) I didn't know anyone in any of my classes. Now I have the coolest friends in the world, and a lot of it is because we're all girls and we all relate a lot better.
  3. I am currently obsessed with the new Fall Out Boy album. It's about all I have been listening to for the past week or so. If I were to tell 2014 me that, she would probably say something along the lines of: "Really? What happened to having a good taste of music?" *walks off sassily while listening to Ariana Grande* In all seriousness, it is amazing. Enough said.
  4. I am gluten intolerant! Don't worry, it's not some contagious disease or anything (although judging by some of the reactions I get, you would almost think it was). All it means is that I can't eat anything with wheat, oats, or other grains like that. Luckily, these days there are lots  of alternative options. Sometimes it gets tough resisting the urge to eat gluten-y foods, especially at things like shared lunches. But the consequences always bring me back down to earth.
  5. I AM A PHANGIRL. Yes, you read that right. I am a full blown Phangirl. I ship them more than I should (although I have accepted the harsh reality that they are not dating), and I watch their videos every day. Coincidentally, at least half my class also watches Dan and Phil, which is a great conversation starter in class.

There you have it! Day One of the 31 Day Challenge. Hope you all enjoyed, can't wait to post again.

Lots and lots of internet hugs,
- FoxFace x

31 Day Challenge!

Hi guys! For this month I have decided to do the 31 Day March Blog Challenge, which means that I will somehow post a post (wut) everyday this month. So this should be fun! Maybe you can get to know me a bit more and find out how much of a weirdo I really am :)

Love you all!
-FoxFace (as I am apparently called)

Saturday 21 February 2015


HI THERE (I can already tell that I will regret writing all of this in about 6 months). I'm Alanna and I'm a nerd. I have just started High School, soooo I thought I may as well write a blog. I honestly have no idea what I am doing right now. I'm just kind of writing the random stuff that pops into my head. Seriously, I have NOTHING INTERESTING to write. 

I have absolutely no intention of gathering many followers, or becoming super mega famous. All I want is to write little posts about my somewhat interesting life. (as I write this, I'm listening to old Dan and Phil radio shows, hence the reason I keep getting distracted... I've been sitting here for a while now...) Oh yeah, did I mention I'm a giant Phangirl? Hehehehe...

Okay, I have nothing else interesting to say anymore, so I'll just finish it here. Feel free to follow me on Twitter (@girlofthefox), Tumblr (GiantFlyingTurtleInSpace/dabananagirl) and even follow my blog if you want!

Lots and lots of internet love,
Girl Of The Fox (Alanna, if you like) 
